Killer M 14x1 Hookah Molasses Catcher

Killer M - a molasses catcher by MattPear. An accessory that prevents syrup and tobacco leaves from the tobacco bowl from entering the stem.

Killer M includes:

  • A clean smoking experience

  • An increased bowl volume that can hold even more "escaping" syrup

  • An improved umbrella design that more reliably prevents syrup from entering the stem

  • An updated design that complements the style of any hookah


  • The 16x1 version is compatible with Mini S, Classic M, Simple M, and Simple S hookahs.

  • The 14x1 version is compatible with Mini M and Ready S hookahs.

1 670.46 TL
SELECT * FROM `store`.`fatv_product` as A INNER JOIN `store`.`fatv_product_x_dir` as X ON = X.product_id WHERE (`A`.`site_id` = '1') AND `X`.`dir_id` IN ('85') AND `A`.`id` NOT IN ('802') AND `A`.`public` = '1' ORDER BY dateof DESCDisk full (/tmp/#sql-temptable-17319e-1e1e04-3317d.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Ошибка в контроллере: \Catalog\Controller\Block\OtherProducts
Код ошибки:1021
Тип ошибки:RS\Db\Exception
Стек вызова:
#0 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Db\Adapter::sqlExec()
#1 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Orm\Request->exec()
#2 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Orm\Request->objects()
#3 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Module\AbstractModel\EntityList->getList()
#4 /home/mattpear/www/ Catalog\Controller\Block\OtherProducts->actionIndex()
#5 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\AbstractController->exec()
#6 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\AbstractModule->exec()
#7 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\Block->exec()
#8 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Application\Block\Template::insert()
#9 /home/mattpear/www/ smarty_function_moduleinsert()
#10 /home/mattpear/www/ content_6694dd89c0bff6_25147747()
#11 /home/mattpear/www/ Smarty_Template_Resource_Base->getRenderedTemplateCode()
#12 /home/mattpear/www/ Smarty_Template_Compiled->render()
#13 /home/mattpear/www/ Smarty_Internal_Template->render()
#14 /home/mattpear/www/ Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->_execute()
#15 /home/mattpear/www/ Smarty_Internal_TemplateBase->fetch()
#16 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\Result\Standard->getHtml()
#17 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\Result\Standard->getOutput()
#18 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\AbstractController->processResult()
#19 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\AbstractClient->processResult()
#20 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\AbstractController->exec()
#21 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\AbstractModule->exec()
#22 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Controller\Front->exec()
#23 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Router\Manager->applyRoute()
#24 /home/mattpear/www/ RS\Router\Manager->dispatch()
#25 {main}